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Baptism is a sacred and transformative sacrament that places an indelible stamp on the soul. It is a beautiful and cherished aspect of our faith that we hold dear and regard as the entryway into our community. Through the grace of God, baptism cleanses us of original sin and sets us on a path towards righteousness. If you are seeking guidance, grace and salvation, we warmly invite you to take the journey with us!
Baptism Dates English
Fechas de Bautismo Españolas
Baptismal Requirements
Infant Baptism - 6 years and younger
All children who are baptized must have at least one Godparent.
Parents must intend to raise the child in the Catholic Faith
Infants must be generally baptized in the parish that at least one of their parents are registered and attend.
The child's birth certificate needs to be available for presentation to the parish.
The parent's marriage certificate should be presented to the parish; however, even for parents married outside of the Church, this is an ideal time to have your marriage blessed.
Each parent must attend a Baptism Preparation Seminar.
Non-Infant Baptism
Children who have reached the age of reason, which is generally by their 7th birthday, can no longer be baptized as infants. The Rite of Baptism is the same for everyone, but the process differs slightly. These children, since they have the knowledge of right and wrong, must generally take an RCIC (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) class to understand what the Church teaches.
Adult Baptism - Click Here:
Godparent Requirements
All baptisms, of any age, require a Godparent.
Godparents must be baptized, have received their First Holy Communion, be a confirmed Catholic, at least 16 years of age, not bound by any canonical penalty, not be the father or mother of the individual being baptized and leading a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on.
They must submit all sacramental history to the parish office, prior to the baptism of their Godchild.
A Godparent must be an actively practicing Catholic - this means the individual should be living a life in conformity with the teachings of the Church including: Weekly attendance at Mass, rejection of artificial contraception and abortion, not in a cohabitational relationship, or supporting ideologies contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Godparent must intend to help teach the Godchild the Catholic Faith. They should know the rudiments of the faith.
Godparents must not be married outside of the Church, unless they have since had their marriage recognized in the Church; however, marriage is not a requirement as a single Catholic may serve as a Godparent, assuming all other requirements have been met.
Godparents must also attend a Baptismal Preparation Class.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Godparents Are Required?
Only one Godparent is required. Two Godparents are permitted but if you choose two, they must be of the opposite sex with one serving as the Godmother and one as the Godfather. They do not have to be married to each other.
Do Godparents Absolutely have to be Catholic?
Yes. While it is not possible for a non-Catholic to serve as a Godparent, a non-Catholic who is baptized Christian in a protestant denomination may serve as a Christian Witness to the Baptism, but the Godparent(s) to the Baptism must be Catholic and meet the above requirements since a Godparent is above all responsible for the spiritual upbringing of the child. Non-baptized individuals may not serve as Godparents or Christian Witnesses.
Do Godparents Have to Be Present at The Baptism?
Godparents are often from out-of-town. If the Godparent is unable to be present on the day of the Baptism, he or she can be represented by proxy. A proxy can be a family member, friend, or parishioner who will stand in for the official Godparent on the day of the Baptism; however, even in such cases, the actual Godparents must still meet the above requirements including taking a Godparent preparation class.
Ready for Baptism? We're here to help!
Please complete the attached form below and we will contact you once your application has been reviewed.
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
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